En: Even if proms have passed I was thinking to show you some dresses and not black or green but some red dresses.
Ro: Rochiile rosii sunt purtate de femei puternice, care inspira incredere si demnitate. Nu oricine poate purta cu demnitate o rochie rosie cu eleganta si stil.Site-ul Persunmall ne propune mai multe variante de rochii de bal rosii pentru toate gusturile si buzunarele.
En: Red dresses are worn by strong women, who inspire confidence and dignity. Not every women can wear with dignity, elegance and style a red dress. Persunmall propose several red prom dresses for every taste and buget.
Ro: Fiecare fata isi doreste ca la petrecere sa arate impecabil iar eu am gasit cateva rochii ce mi se par ca ar face furori oriunde ne-am duce.
En: Every girl wants to look pretty on party and I found some dresses that would make them look very nice.
Ro: Prima rochie este o rochie ce mi-a atras atentia cum am vazut-o, este lunga si imi aminteste de stilul acela grecesc, potrivita pentru un bal reusit. Este din sifon si are o croiala in A.
En: The first dress that I found and catch my attention is long and remember me of grece style. It's perfect for prom. It has an A-line silhouette and is made from chiffon.
Ro: A doua ce mi-a placut este scurta si are ca detaliu o fundita in talie. Daca prima se potrivea oricarei varste, aceasta este potrivita mai ales tinerelor. Croiala tot in A este iar materialul este tot sifon.
En: The second one is a short dress and it has a bow on waist. If the first fit on every age, this is more suitable for the youngest. It has an A-line silhouette and also it's made from chiffon.
Ro: Ultima rochie este una deosebita. O rochie ce nu mai are nevoie de accesorii, ea fiind defapt un mic accesoriu. Decorata cu margele, aduce cu o rochie de epoca insa este imbinata cu forma cotidiana de croiala in A.
En: The last red dress is special because doesn't need any accessory, it's an accessory itself. It has on it, on top part, so many beads that remind us of a vintage dress. The A-line is present here like the other dresses and is made from tencel.
Ro:Sper ca v-am ajutat sa va faceti o idee asupra rochiei mult visate iar daca ati mai ochit ceva mi-ar placea sa va stiu alegerile.
En: I hope I helped you to make a choice with what dress do you want and if you found another beautiful dress show me in a comment.
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